The History of The Mini Cooper

In the 1950s, the roads were wide open, and American cars were large in their design. However, in Europe, the streets were narrow, and the cars were more compact. By 1960, America was ready to try something new — theContinued

Improve Your Fuel Efficiency

Inflated fuel prices have everyone considering ways to reduce their fuel consumption. Since reducing the number of miles you drive may not be possible, improving fuel efficiency is a method to reduce your overall fuel use. Keep a Steady SpeedContinued

Land Rover Warning Lights

Land Rovers are full of technology that makes driving one a spectacular experience. If something was to go wrong while driving a Land Rover, though, it’s important to understand what the warning lights are communicating to you. Color Codes LandContinued

What Is the MOA Engine Oil Additive?

When you own a luxury vehicle, you want to do the best for your vehicle to ensure it will continue operating efficiently for years to come. This begins with proper, regular maintenance. To start, it is important that your vehicleContinued

Summer Car Wash Tips

Summer is approaching fast, and more days of warmth and more time to spend outside are coming with it. Whether you’ll be taking your car out for a day cruise in the cool ocean breeze or enjoying what the SanContinued

Brake Services for Your Mini Cooper

Owning a luxury vehicle is a great investment. To fully enjoy the long life of your vehicle, it is important to commit to regular service inspections and repairs. One service you don’t want to skip on is having your brakeContinued

Importance of Flushing Transmission Fluid

There are several components of your luxury vehicle that require regular maintenance to ensure that it is operating at its very best. This can include oil changes, wiper replacement, brake checks, tire inspections, and the list goes on and on.Continued

Safe Driving Tips for Fall

Fall is in full swing, and your family is likely gearing up for the season by picking apples, carving pumpkins, enjoying a fun hayride, or shopping for the latest Halloween décor. Whether you plan to use your luxury car toContinued